The club is delighted to announce that we have extended our partnership with the Hole in the Wall to act as the club’s jersey sponsors for the next three years. The deal which will run up to the end of 2013, is a great boost to the club, and enables us to organise a new kit for the club.
Sjirk De Romph and the Hole in the Wall, as well as its sister bars, Hoopman and Reijnders, have been loyal supporters and excellent partners for the club over the past number of years. The club is extremely grateful for their support, and we are delighted that as our club grows more successful, that we are able to continue our partnership with Sjirk and the Hole in the Wall.
The club is now in its 8th year and continues to grow, with the number of playing members having increased to over 50. The club has also recently moved into new playing fields & facilities in Amstelveen which we intend to use to host larger tournaments in the future. With the growth of the club in recent years, we anticipate great success both on and off the field over the coming years.
Sjirk, his staff, and the Amsterdam GAC committee, will look to build on our success off the field by putting together a few ideas for joint events and promotions for the summer, as well as continuing our successful quiz nights.